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ARA Celebrates SocSec/Medicare Anniversary with Cola CLC

William Christopher
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The South Carolina Association for Retired Americans(SC ARA) will join the Greater Columbia Central Labor Council(CLC) in celebrating the 83rd anniversary of Social Security and the 53rd anniversary of Medicare. 

Last year saw increased threats to both programs from conservative lawmakers on the federal as well as state level.  And President Trump has proposed cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—breaking his promise to protect these essential programs.  At the same time, Trump’s budget provides already wealthy Americans with an additional $550 BILLION in tax cuts. 

During the August meeting of the Columbia CLC, supporters will gather a half hour earlier than the regular meeting time for a party to honor the anniversaries of Social Security and Medicare. 

(The August CLC meeting will be held Aug. 7th at the SC AFL-CIO office, 265 Oak Grove Rd., Swansea, SC.  Regular meeting time is 7 pm and the celebration begins at 6:30)