Labor Council Officers Take Oath
The Greater Columbia Central Labor Council has installed officers for a 2-year term.
Officers sworn in for their second terms include President Sandy Squirewell(ITPEU/OEPIU 4873); Vice-President Donna Dewitt(SC ARA); and Sec.-Treas. William Christopher(NWU 1981). Leigh Vandegrift(IATSE 347) took the oath as a Trustee. CLC member Curtis Randolph(CWA 3207) read the oath of office from the CLC Constitution.
Other individuals elected in November include Trustee Velva Hudgins(APWU 807), returning for a second term, and Trustee Joylee Cook(AFGE 1872, Sumter AFB), both of whom will be installed in February.
The Columbia CLC meets each first Tuesday at 7 pm. Meetings will be held through March at the Modjeska Simkins Historic House, 2025 Marion St. in downtown Columbia. During the months of April-Sept. the meetings will be at the offices of the SC AFL-CIO, 265 Oak Grove Rd. on I-26 below Columbia.